Friday, December 9, 2011

Things are slow for now.

There is not much to do in the garden for now. We are eating some kind of greens almost everyday. They sure are good and good for you. We just got the seed catalogs so we are looking at what we want to grow next year. Won't be long before we start plants in doors to get a early start.

The last cold spell got the tomato's and peppers. I still have a few green tomato's here from my plant.

I am posting pictures taken down town where the Church, soup kitchen and home for homeless Vet's house is. These are the garden the Farmer put in early fall with help from Farmer's wife and friends. They are now able to pick greens and other veggies for them to use.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Frosty Morning

Winter is finally here. It may be another sign of global climate change because we did not have a frost here until after December 1, 2011. The Farmer's Wife covered things twice.
Once not so cold and then a freeze that took out the tomato plants this time.

Today the tomato plants came out and several kilograms of green and starting to turn. They are bundled up in newspaper and in the basement and we may get a few to yet ripen. Last year we had fresh tomatoes this way until early January. To be able to have your own tomatoes for eight months out of the year an achievement.

There was nearly a kilogram of peppers as well.

Finally we all went over to check on the raised bed garden near at church for the vet center and the soup kitchen.

6.225 KG to add today make a total of 235.967KG for the year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Winter is here, last several nights been close to 32.

Not much going on in the garden right now. We are getting lots of wonderful greens of all kind. They are so good. Salad or cooked they are great. We have had to cover up some stuff to keep them good. Beets are looking good and may have some of the greens soon. We are still getting a few cherry tomato's. Won't be but a few weeks and we will be starting pots inside for the spring garden.

Here are a few pictures of how we covered the plants up and the greens that the cold don't hurt