Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 2013 Things are still slow.

Things are still growing slow. The Snap peas and Fava beans are starting to show some new growth. The trees are all beautiful and Our Blueberries are putting out blooms. See if you can see two bees on the brushes. I am the only one posting this year so I will try to do a good job. We have plants ready to put out and the weather seems to be getting warmer. Maybe this week-end we can put them in the ground. I am so looking forward to lots of fresh veggies. Yum.
The Herb garden is looking good after it was cleaned up. Wonderful Herbs for our cooking.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Things have been slow, lots of rain and cold.

We have not done much since last post. The weather has been very wet and cold.  Things are showing a few signs of coming up where we planted. We do have seeding ready to go into the ground and thought we would work some today but it is why to cold down to 28 tonight. We planted more indoor seeding last Saturday, tomato's, peppers, egg plant and such. I so am wanting Spring.  Here are a few pictures of the first seeding we planted. Good Gardening to all.