Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We dug Potato's last Saturday.

Not to much to write about things are slow now, but that will change soon. We have had lots of rain and the weeds got away from us. I spent two mornings last week pulling weeds. I pulled Tuesday this week and will again tomorrow. I don't work long the most 2 to 2 1/2 hours at a time.  We had a short row of potato's about 6 hills. We got about 10 pounds I think. The first of the beans are about done but we have more coming. The tomato's, squash, peppers are blooming so will have some soon. We will plant more where the potato's were. We pull up and then plant more and we always have something to eat. We went to Pepper Place Saturday which is a local Framers Market, I love to look and see what is there and how much everything cost. I am not sure if you can see in the picture but we had a few fingering potato's that just came up from last year. Good eating!!!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Saturday's work and Harvest.

We worked and harvested the garden at the house, we also planted new things like more bean's squash and such. We got lots done and it has rained a good bit here so things are coming up all ready.  We had fresh green beans for supper last night. Soooo good.
 One is call dragon's tongue and has red stripes and turns lite green when cooked. Real good. We harvested things from winter so we would have room for summer stuff. I love summer best of all.
That one of me is me biting a hot pepper, my son dared me.