Saturday, October 12, 2013

I can not believe it has been July since I posted.

The Farmer gave the Blog to me and I am doing a bad job. It has been July since I posted. These pictures of fall plantings were taken two weeks ago, two weeks. We planted down at the church, Greens, Turnips, lettuce and other fall veggies. As I said these pic's were taken a while back so I am sure they are coming up now. I will try to do better as things grow and we harvest. I love to garden and fall is easier since it is not so hot. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Garden Pictures.

Just a few more garden pic's. We have lots of Tomato's, egg plant, more green beans, peppers and lots and lots of Herbs. We planted a Bay tree ( as in Bay leaves the spice. ) and it sure has grown. It has not been there a year yet. Our Fave beans and Peas should be ready to pick this week. The lay out of the garden changes as we pull up and replant. Lots of fun.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

This is some things from last week.

I have been needing to post some new pictures but just keep putting it off. The farmer will be upset with me if I don't get busy. We are getting tomato's and a few egg plant. Got some more green beans coming up also. We have had lots of rain this year and I think that has held back some things. I am hoping the bugs don't get bad. The weeds seem to be doing good. The squash and cucumbers are blooming. Lots of herbs they seem to be doing well. We planted some leaf celery and it is very good.
We had a good harvest for church this last Sunday. It goes in a hurry.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

We dug Potato's last Saturday.

Not to much to write about things are slow now, but that will change soon. We have had lots of rain and the weeds got away from us. I spent two mornings last week pulling weeds. I pulled Tuesday this week and will again tomorrow. I don't work long the most 2 to 2 1/2 hours at a time.  We had a short row of potato's about 6 hills. We got about 10 pounds I think. The first of the beans are about done but we have more coming. The tomato's, squash, peppers are blooming so will have some soon. We will plant more where the potato's were. We pull up and then plant more and we always have something to eat. We went to Pepper Place Saturday which is a local Framers Market, I love to look and see what is there and how much everything cost. I am not sure if you can see in the picture but we had a few fingering potato's that just came up from last year. Good eating!!!!!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Last Saturday's work and Harvest.

We worked and harvested the garden at the house, we also planted new things like more bean's squash and such. We got lots done and it has rained a good bit here so things are coming up all ready.  We had fresh green beans for supper last night. Soooo good.
 One is call dragon's tongue and has red stripes and turns lite green when cooked. Real good. We harvested things from winter so we would have room for summer stuff. I love summer best of all.
That one of me is me biting a hot pepper, my son dared me.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Garden Work.

We worked at the down town garden at the church this morning. Will work at the big garden later today when it cools down a little. Just have to plant seeds.
At the church garden we have tomato's, lettuce, snap peas, beans and several other things coming along. We are able to harvest several bags of veggies every Sunday.
At the big garden we have had strawberries, snap peas, lettuce and greens. The blueberries will be ready in a week or two. The fig tree is putting out leaves. The fava beans are ready.
 The Artichoke that made it through the winter has a small Artichoke on it and we have two more plants coming along. Yeah. The potato's and tomato's are looking great. Looking forward to lots of fresh veggies this summer.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

It is finally warmer.


We worked some more in the garden yesterday and it is getting warmer and things are growing faster
 now. Snap peas are starting to grow and can't wait for some fresh peas. We put out Tomato's, peppers, egg plant, celery and more potato's. I just love working in the garden. Flowers and trees are looking good also. Here are a few pictures from yesterday. Hope you enjoy.