Sunday, June 17, 2012

Back in the Garden

These are some recent produce from the garden.  This year I have not been weighing everything I bring in but I have some new types of crops to show off. Plus I am working at Grace.

These long beans are a type of pole bean from Southeast Asia.  the are used in stir fry dishes a lot and are a lot of fun.

I have a bunch of new types of tomatoes but the usually ones like the yellow pear and cherry tomatoes. Soon some of the new varieties like the black cherry are just coming on.

I made this roast of vegetables yesterday.  It had purple potatoes, turnips, carrots, ,magda squash, long beans, tomatoes pear and cherry, with thyme and marjoram, all from the grarden

I have some of my best carrot crops. I have lots of beans today much more than I can pick, eat or use.
The Grace Garden is going well with nice large eggplants, tomatoes.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Todays Harvest.

This is the harvest for today
. Been getting lots of blueberries, green beans and the lettuce is still good. Some peppers are starting to come in. There is lots of figs.
A few tomato's the cherry kind are getting ripe. The last few days have been cooler and it seems to have slowed down things a little.