Last year I tried to pot seedlings with some modest success. Seeds are relatively cheap and buying seedlings can be pretty expensive- $1-2 for 6 and you can only buy the variety or types of plants that are available in your local store. I realized that last year my problem starting seedlings was not enough light. I read up on this in a number of books and internet sites. It turns out there are lots of sites on the internet about making grow lights. For my Christmas present, my son helped me make a grow lights stand. We went to Lowe's and got a set of shelving for about $50 and two sets of florescent light fixtures. Cool white light has a sun-like spectrum. We hung them from the underside of the wooden top shelf and I have a nice setup to store my gardening supplies and grown my own seedlings. A timer turns the lights on for 14 hours a day.
I am starting out with cabbage seedlings and will add other plants over the next few weeks. I will show you how I made pots from newspaper and the baby lettuce greens I am growing over the next few days.
i like the grow light stands. You and Patrick did a great job.