Finally the weather is a little more garden friendly. Although this last week is still cold, with many inches of rain there have been a few warm days. I will catalog the progress.
1) Sugar snap peas are all now appearing and and are about an inch out of the ground all around the pea frame after 2 weeks in the dirt
2) Cabbage, spinach and lettuce appear to be successfully transplanted.
3) Lettuce, beets, fava beans are starting to come up.
4) Red potatoes are in the ground in the one area that was dry enough to work
5) Eggplant seeds, after 14 days, are emerging in the seed pots.
6) The mushroom block that only made one mushroom last time has many baby mushroom that are now coming out
7) Strawberry bed had been thinned and mulched
Over the next week I will be working later but with the extra hour of light, the new farmer and the dry weather that is forecast I think we will get greens in the ground and will start potting squash, melon and other warm weather crops that can not go into till about April 15th, which is when the last frost date will pass and the ground will be warm enough to for things to grow.
The new farmer is having sooo much fun. We worked in garden until the rain ran us in. Make 2 sweet potato's pies from last years crop. So very good. Amos and Amanda have gone to Lowe's for something pretty to plant snow peas next to the sidewalk. Looking forward to watching everything grow this year as I will live in the area and be able to see almost daily how things are.