I have been out of town for a few days and I haven't been able to work in my garden or blog. It is amazing what can happen in just a few days. The fava beans are blooming. They have beautiful white blooms with a deep purple "eye". It will probably only be a week before we have some young beans to harvest.
The sugar snaps are getting close to the top supports and I think I will try to add to a few feet of mesh to the the top. I have looked closely and no blooms are visible yet.
I did harvest a Butter Crunch Lettuce bunch from the garden tonight for my supper and the salad was sweet and delicious.
The risk of frost has now pasted and over the next few weeks I hope to plant several types of beans. The garden by the house is almost full. My goal is to usually get all the areas planted and then as harvest of one crop is completed a new planting will go in. The arugula and broccoli raab have started to go to seed so they will come out in the next two weeks to make room for the next planting.
The garden will really come on now that the weather is warmer. Things will take off real fast now. What a wonderful time of the year.