Today I was able to have three strawberries from my bushes around the house and in the plantings. They are not as large(huge) as some of the berries that we can buy at the store. They are however very tasty and sweet; the store bought berries taste watery in comparison.
There are also some two inch long sugar snaps on the pea trellis. I think that the peas will be ready to pick in the next few days. One of the interesting thing about sugar snaps is that you have to plant them when it is winter, mid-February, the peas that I planted a month later are just not progressing like these amazing specimens. If you wait too late to plant you can miss out on the sugar snaps for a whole year.
Here is the first squash of the year which will be ready for the skillet in just a few more days.
I am not always successful. I mentioned the delicious cabbage. Delicious for the caterpillars of the white cabbage moth. Last year I lost all of my broccoli raab to these pesky creatures. They seem to have shown up early this year. I am trying floating covers for the cabbage in another garden patch to see if I can protect the plants. I will not use a pesticide so if the cabbage moth gets under the floating covers they will enjoy the fruit(vegetable) of my labors.
I guess those bugs are hungry. we will have to share.