If you have been following the blog along you know that there has already been a very good harvest of Strawberries. The plants though have been looking very healthy and putting out lots of new vegetation. Then all of a sudden there are white flowers and now some fruit. The berries are sometimes a little larger then the early ones and a very sweet flavor.
This is not the only kind of fruit we have coming in. the two blueberry bushes are full and the berries are turning blue and some are ready to pick. Not enough to pick to bring in but to eat right off the bushes. I have put netting over to help keep the birds away from the plants and this has worked pretty well for us in the past.
A few years ago I tried to start some raspberries but they really did not take. We had a bad drought but one of the stalks has come up quite healthy and we have a goodly amount of fruit. Now these are black raspberries and the are ready when they come off in your hand with a gentle pull. I don't think that there is much likelihood of any of these little jewels making it inside because they are a favorite of the Farmer's Daughter and she will make quick work of them.
Since I last reported there has been a lot of harvest.
June 6, 1.090KG
June 7, 3.507KG
June 8, 0.844 KG
June 9, 0.800KG
Total 5. 2 41KG +36.400KG = 41.8 KG and now well over 90LBS of produce and it is only the first week of June.
This is made up of beans, beats, cucumbers, squash and 2lbs of new potatoes.
Just got in from garden. Watered everything even the bulbs brought from florida. Picked 1460 of produce. I ate one tomato but left the rest for you tonight. Lydia got a JOB< yeah!!!!!!