Monday, July 12, 2010

Off Line. Still Productive

Over the last week there has been some technical issues with internet and then travel that have delayed my posting.

Melons are one of the larger producers this week. I had started these melon plants in the house and planted them in the spring before the earth was very warm. They were sort of sluggish in the beginning but then took off. Actually now some of them look spent and are dying so I pulled up those vines and harvested 5 beautiful French melons that are sweet and delicate to the taste. I have a number of melon plants that sill looked pretty healthy so they have stayed in the ground.

Also there have been some squash plants that have died so I have pulled them up. Replanted and others are full of buds. It is amazing how some of them can die quickly. In the story of Jonah he is waiting outside Nineveh to see the destruction he has predicted and a melon vine grows very quickly and brings him shade. Then a worm bores into the plant and in single day he is parched in the sun surrounded by dead leaves. This is how a few of my squash plants are doing.
The tomatoes are setting a second harvest for the larger heirlooms and still plenty of cherries so that there is at least a pint of these every few  days to munch on.
More on the carrots and other things in the garden soon
With today's harvest there is another 21.7 KG to add to the harvest which pushes the totals to

122 KG which is about 270lbs

1 comment:

  1. It is very dry and we need rain bad. Things are still growing some better then others. I need to water every other day, one thing is good the weeds don't grow fast. We have green beans, tomato's squash, melons,cucumbers and others that will produce later. The sun flowers and zinnia's are pretty.
