Monday, October 11, 2010

Summer in October bring on the OKRA

Today I went out to the garden and almost overnight we have lots of okra pods. Now okra is supposed be a summer crop. The one thing that will grow when the temperature is above 90's. Okra also grows very quickly and in just 2 days you can go from a bud to pod that is over sized.
The tomatoes are stilling coming in and I am getting about half a kilogram of cherry tomatoes each day and lots of green larger heirloom type of which I have forgotten the name. I plan to grow a larger variety next year.
I also dug up some more sweet potatoes and in the upper garden and they are looking pretty good. The ones that I have under the dining room table seasoning are looking pretty good. Last year the ones I seasoned lasted all winter. I plan to take some of these out west at Thanksgiving to make some sweet potato pies.

This is October and the temperature should be highs in the mid 70's but for must of the month we have been hovering around 90's and no rain. 
With over 4.254KG of sweet potatoes I have 5.079 KG of produce to add to the
171.750 KG brings  us to 176.829 KG and that breaks the 175KG point. YEAH!!!!!!!!


  1. Yeah is right. The garden is not working us so hard but there is lots of good things to eat. I picked some collards this morning when I watered and cook them for lunch with some corn bread I had in the freezer soooo good. We have cherry tomatoes and great lettuce several kinds. I like the sharp kind a lot. We have new planting in and will have more later. Over 175

  2. The Suburban farmer is going on a working trip so there won't be much posting. The new farmer and farmer's wife will be holding down the fort. Hope we do a good job, stay tuned.
