Sunday, November 7, 2010

Success; The Tomato's Live Own

The wrapping of the tomato plants was successful and we got through the two nights of cold weather. I don't even think there was a frost last night.
The plants look great and I was even brought in a few red tomatoes that got knocked off the bush.
These are the sweet potatoes that have been seasoning. This is drying for several weeks so that they can be stored in the basement.
I did go ahead and pull up some more sweet potatoes that the frost had killed the vine. These vines came from slips that the New Farmer brought with her from Florida. The potatoes look a little redder the the other sweet potatoes.
Some have been damaged by the rain with the sweet potatoes swelling and splitting. One of the hills that probably did not get as much watering during the drought was particularly affected.
I have cooked up some turnip and turnip greens. I learned recently that in Europe before the potato was introduced from the New World that turnips were used instead. Ye Oldie  Mashed Turnips? Yum?
I have cooked some butter beans and I must say that though they taste good they are a disappointment for the Suburban Farmer in that the yield can seem quite meager. 

I weighed the potatoes before they dried and the beans before I shelled so that may make the total a little on the high side. However, I have given things away to people walking by that did not get weighed. With that caveat I have 7.485 KG to add to my total which is now

1 comment:

  1. yeah, looks like they are in good shape. We will still get more tomato's. Kyle thinks these tomato's taste great. If I remember right the sweet potato's in the plot next to the house were the ones from Florida. Not sure where you picked the new ones from. The split sweet potato's don't look bad and may be okay while they are drying. Almost 200 KG.
