Friday, December 24, 2010

Wrapping Up and Making New Plans

 This will probably be the last post for this blog this calender year. We have had some pretty amazing accomplishments. They would include making our goal of 200 KG in November which was the basic goal and then surpassing that when the tomato crop took us up to 500lbs+ for year.
In fact we are still eating tomatoes that are ripening in the house as you can see from the photo. All of the food has been chemical free and organically fertilized.
So where do we go from here? The New Farmer and I will be studying the seed catalogs and making our selections. I want to grow some old favorites but also substitute some new varieties for versions that seemed less successful. The Farmer's daughter has suggested a specific tomato varietal that she would like to have us grow.
Goals and focus for the coming year.
Try new varieties
Devote more space to preparing and cooking the produce we gather
Eat out of the garden all year. Last year we started in January but only started to eat from the garden in late February. This year with the winter greens we have the possibility that we have something to eat in the garden every day of the year.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The Suburban Farmer


  1. Happy New Year and now we start all over again to see how much we can grow this year of 2011, YEAH

  2. I am working on the news paper pots for the 2011 garden, Yeah!!!!
