Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The farmer and farmer's wife are gone for a few days. So the New farmer is taking care of things, let see if I can stay out of trouble?
We planted seeds out side this week-end as well as more in the pots inside. It was a beautiful week-end just a reminder of the good days coming. We had company here for a visit and had a Spinach salad from the garden ( in Feb. ), so good. Here are a couple of pictures, one is of the Rosemary that traveled from Florida, survived the trip, summer and winter and looks healthy. The other is of the new plantings. The fence is to keep out the wild life. Looking forward to good eating.


  1. Thanks for holding down the fort or the garden as the case may be.

    Any seeds coming up yet?

  2. Just got back from your place. Nothing we planted outside or inside Saturday is coming up yet. The parsley we planted over a week ago is coming up. Yeah!!! The weather has been wonderful, highs in the high
    60's low 70's. No rain.
