Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Strawberry Blooms: The Signs of Spring

The strawberry patch needed to be cleaned up. I had been waiting for some time to tackle this job. I was surprise to notice that there was some flowering plants. I think that the strawberry is one of the most attractive of flowers and plants.
Broccoli has been delicious this spring. When you cut off the main floret you get a lot of little florets that are second shoots for the picking. I have never seen broccoli to be so green when you cook it and it incredibly sweet tender and delicious.
   The peas are almost big enough to grab hold of the netting and climb their support.
Over the next week we will have the last of the collard greens. There are still lots of of leaves but in the center the flowering buds as they begin to bolt.
I have 3.749KG to add to the 3.425KG that we had already harvested.

7.174kg total  which is 16lbs already.

1 comment:

  1. I will pick,cook and freeze the collard for eating later.
