Saturday, May 14, 2011

Orange Beets and Carrots and Poppy

Several years ago the Farmer tried to grow the Asiatic Poppy which in some varieties is the source of pain medication. This plant is meant to be grown in more arid conditions and each year there have been fewer plants and this year only one remains and it bloomed this week.

The year the Farmer tried two kinds of beets. One which is the traditional red and the second is the orange color with lighter leaves.  Will let you know how they taste later.
This year the Farmer is having more success with carrots. They are supposed to be this light orange color and are on a bed of sugar snap peas.
The tomatoes plants are almost a foot tall and with the warmer weather will start to grow even more quickly.
These are the wonderful radishes that I have been enjoying. The Farmer has another crop planted.  
Baby Farmers have come to pick peas this week. Peas will be harvested probably for another 2-3 weeks. Then the Farmer has planned for there to be beans to be harvested.

3,997 KG of harvest to added to the total which gives the Farmer 24.754KG which is 54.45lbs  The Farmer is 20lbs ahead of the weight in produce at this time last year.


  1. Looking good, I am ready for some of those sugar peas. Yum Yum

  2. Those yellow beets and sugar peas sure were good for supper last night. Will plant pole beans today.
