Saturday, September 10, 2011

Working to Clean Up More Things to Plant

I had enough figs today to make another batch of preserved figs that is about 100 figs that I have canned.

The New Farmer has been posting but does not have the ledger to keep up the totals.

The Farmer worked hard pulling up old plants and weeds and raking down pine straw to make the garden more presentable. The greens, turnips and radishes that were planted just last week are starting to come up. This has encourage me to pull out more of the old plants. The tomatoes are still producing. We have had some cool days but there will be some more pretty hot days. Planting in the fall you have to watch for insect issues more.
There is a get together tomorrow and I think a good ratatouille would be well received and a good use of the eggplants.

The sweet potatoes were something of a bust with lots of vines and very little tubers but still they are pretty.

With the additional harvest before the storm there was 6.765 KG to add that bring the total to just over 190.099 KG

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