Saturday, October 22, 2011


Fall may have yellow and red colors for leaves but in the Southern Garden it is time for GREENS. It is to hot and buggy for many greens in the summer. The Farmer's Daughter did find that sweet potato leaves can be used like spinach. Now the Farmer has some Oriental Mustard to show off with these wonderful purple green leaves.
In addition lots of head lettuce, mostly romaine. Some of the spring onions let go still provide a good seasoning for the greens.
Radishes are being eaten every day. None of these silly red bombs but delightful Breakfast Radish goes great on sandwiches or with cheese.
Another meal of the field peas and the Farmer was going to pull them up only to find that they are still blooming!
This will be one of the few squashes this fall. Terrible time with a bug that eat most of the fruits.
Still there are some summer things like a few figs and peppers and okras that still produce. The okra was pulled up to make room to plant some more greens.

212.557  KG and to add this 4.606KG gives the Farm 217.163 KG for the year. 

1 comment:

  1. I had some of those wonderful greens for supper with corn bread soooo good. I love fall and all the beautiful colors and all the good fall produce. Can't get much better.
