Sunday, August 28, 2011

Figs, Sweet Potatoes and Fields Peas

There has been a lot of harvest and lots to come. Some plants are really very tired and this seems to be the end of cucumbers and melons. This next week I will put in some of the fall crops. Above you can see some of the eggplant this are the Prospero which are about the size of soft ball when ready to eat. They are otherwise like the large ones at the store. Rather they are better in that we grew them and they are the freshest.

Something I haven't had before is field peas.  They take a lot of room and so while they are fun to grow and good for the soil they will not produce a lot. Above you can see the pod opened.
This variety cleverly bloom below the leaves and then the stems pushes the pea pod up for easy picking and then turn a scarlet color when they are ready to be picked. This week will be time for a pot of peas.
There are also the wonderful flowers that I take into work several times a week.
This week we have we pulled up some sweet potatoes which brought some weight to this weeks total. These will need to be seasoned for the next few weeks.
Above I am starting to get a few figs. Since trimming the tree back a number of figs are starting to ripen so I may yet have enough to make a preserves. 

9.764KG is to be added and that leads to 178.470KG which is getting us pretty close to our goals

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Greens, Sweet Potatoes and Hiking

Who knew that the in the summer you can have a greens that are a lot like spinach? Well it turns out that the leaves of sweet potatoes are edible and make delicious cooked greens with the temps in the 90's there is not lettuce or other greens that can grow.
The tomatoes are doing pretty well and the yellow pears are starting to be very prolific. Here they are mixed into some cherry tomatoes.

All these vegetables makes one strong and healthy and this leads of course to a 13 mile backpacking trip  
6.937KG  to add to the 161.764 brings us up to 168.701 KG

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Melons, Tomatoes and Spiders

I got as a gift some cured meats and that makes a great companion for these melons that are starting to come in. More melons than ever before. I haven't tried the larger green one yet. I am sure that the other will taste great too.
We did have a pretty frightening spider to deal with this week. The Farmer's Wife captured this spider and we released him into the natural area.
Here we have some great yellow pear and cherry tomatoes that we have  a lot to pick every few days.
I will have some food to share at church this week.
Here we have yellow tomatoes
Here are the cherry tomatoes.

This 8.555 KG total to add to the 53.209 which equals 161.764 KG toward the 200KG goal.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hot Weather and Hot Plants

The harvest this week was over 10 KG. A lot of the weight is still cumbers but the variety of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, figs and okra are wonderful. I gave away quite a bit to friends at church last week and have lots to bring to friends at work this week.

Eggplant are producing with nice big plants. I will make some more eggplant Parmesan this week.
This pepper is on the harvest log and you can see that it is quite long. I don't seem to have any that turn red this year.
This pepper is still on the bush.
Okra is a member of the Rose of Sharon family and once the pods start you have to pick every day.
These beautiful vines and purple flowers are related to morning glory flowers. They are the tops of the sweet potatoes. When I was in Vietnam we often ate morning glory leaves like a green. The Farmer's daughter says that they are edible so I will try them this week.
Finally this week a lot of cherry and yellow pear tomatoes that taste great and look great in the salad. 

With 10.624 KG to add this week the total is now 153.209 KG and our goal is 200KG for the year.