Saturday, August 13, 2011

Melons, Tomatoes and Spiders

I got as a gift some cured meats and that makes a great companion for these melons that are starting to come in. More melons than ever before. I haven't tried the larger green one yet. I am sure that the other will taste great too.
We did have a pretty frightening spider to deal with this week. The Farmer's Wife captured this spider and we released him into the natural area.
Here we have some great yellow pear and cherry tomatoes that we have  a lot to pick every few days.
I will have some food to share at church this week.
Here we have yellow tomatoes
Here are the cherry tomatoes.

This 8.555 KG total to add to the 53.209 which equals 161.764 KG toward the 200KG goal.

1 comment:

  1. I am coming home. It all looks so good. We have some really big spiders here too.
