Friday, October 7, 2011

New Farms and New Farmers, Some Fall Crops

This handsome plant is an artichoke. The Farmer will probably only get to admire the plant as it is not likely to make it through the winter and usually doesn't bloom until the second year. Still I admire it nearly ever day.
News Flash: New farms and new farmers. The Farmer has built some raised beds for a food bank and a veterans housing.
The Farmer's Wife and a colleague help with some of the heavy lifting.
Some Farmer Friends from work also helped out.
They are 8  by  4 feet in size and a little over a foot deep.

The Farmer has planted a fall crop. It may be a little late but still lettuce and I am confident some some of the hardy winter greens will be able to feed some veterans and others soon.
Here is a plate with radish, tomatoes, rocket and romaine.
The Farmer loves the little mild French Breakfast Radishes
At the same time there is a harvest of peppers
There is also lettuce
Swiss Chard
Nearly 2 KG in a single day

 The total is now 208.250 KG with the over 8.318KG since the last post.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a lot of good eating. I want some of those greens when I get home. I like the garden plots you fixed for the church and the Vets. I hope they get some veggies this winter. Hope they will take care of them. See you in a week.
