Lots of activity this weekend. I have shifted the lettuces,(romaine and butter-head) cabbage, spinach and chard seedlings from the inside grow lights to the cold frame for hardening off. This means to have the plants have a chance to get use to cooler temperatures with the ability to protect them with cover from frost or heaven forbidden snow. Once the plants have come up and have at least 2 true leaves they can go outside. Strangely the chard has been the slowest growing to produce true leaves. Interesting the mature plant will have leaves that are 12-15 inches long when it is ready to harvest.
I then had room to start tomato, eggplant and pepper seedlings which will need at least 6 weeks before it is safe to go out side.
The other thing I got done was tilling and preparing the second of my three beds. With the extension of this garden bed will have about 300 square feet. I have enriched with compost, lime and rock dust for micro-nutrients. I will do some soil test of the area this week to check and see if any further adjustments are needed.
Looks like you got lots done this past week-end. Will be so nice when stuff starts coming in and ready to eat. I want to plant something so bad but got to hold off. I may not be here to take care of it. We had a nice little bit of rain today, looks like people around us got the noise and stuff.