At this point the only thing that I have in the ground is Broccoli Raab(BR) and some onions. The BR looks like it has just shrugged off the snow. I hope that I get a goodly amount in the next few months. These plants have been in the ground since the fall and should be poised to grow quickly now. Last year cabbage months got into the BR I planted in the spring and destroyed them before they could make. I need the crop to come in before the moths have a chance to migrate north. When mature they will look like little heads of broccoli but they have a stronger taste, more like cabbage or some of the other cruciforms. Tonight when I went out to supper there was a little bunny in the garden. I throw a piece of bric a brac at him to scare him off. He didn't flinch, but my wife objected to a second try...
Some people think that with such a strong taste the bunny probably will not want to eat the BR and others think it would be OK if he did, since they are not so sure they will want to eat it when it is ready anyway.
I will be putting some seeds in the ground this weekend, and it will be time to pot some warm weather things like eggplant, peppers and tomatoes, since you can get a 6 week head start toward producing a crop by starting the seedlings now. I will probably put some seeds out directly when it is time to transplant so if these plants tire the second crop will be on their way.
Poor bunny there is not many choices. Things will start to grow and there will be lots to share. Have fun in the garden this week-end, wish I could help. Mom