Friday, June 10, 2011

We need rain, still lots of veggies.

Just got back from the garden, the lighting run
me off last night. I am not sure there was rain. I picked green beans 2 kind the ones by the fig Tree.
They are so close to each is hard to get to them. Will pick more tomorrow, second farmers helper said they don't eat many veggies. I bought back some to share with my friend at the apartment. I hand watered the garden some
things are beginning to show the effects of the heat and lack of rain.
We got cucumbers 359- flat green beans 794- green beans reg. 259- beets red 209- swiss chad 140- fennel 161- Zucchini 166-
The Zinnias are blooming and the Sunflowers all most. We will work tomorrow and weed and plant something. Will see what Farmers daughter wants to do. This former part was wrote early this morning and a lot has happen since then. We had rain, yeah. When we went by after supper the fig tree needs for us to try up some limbs. It may not be pretty but will whole until you can do it. We are going to farmers market early and then work in garden. There is lots to do and some repair work after the rain

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