Sunday, August 28, 2011

Figs, Sweet Potatoes and Fields Peas

There has been a lot of harvest and lots to come. Some plants are really very tired and this seems to be the end of cucumbers and melons. This next week I will put in some of the fall crops. Above you can see some of the eggplant this are the Prospero which are about the size of soft ball when ready to eat. They are otherwise like the large ones at the store. Rather they are better in that we grew them and they are the freshest.

Something I haven't had before is field peas.  They take a lot of room and so while they are fun to grow and good for the soil they will not produce a lot. Above you can see the pod opened.
This variety cleverly bloom below the leaves and then the stems pushes the pea pod up for easy picking and then turn a scarlet color when they are ready to be picked. This week will be time for a pot of peas.
There are also the wonderful flowers that I take into work several times a week.
This week we have we pulled up some sweet potatoes which brought some weight to this weeks total. These will need to be seasoned for the next few weeks.
Above I am starting to get a few figs. Since trimming the tree back a number of figs are starting to ripen so I may yet have enough to make a preserves. 

9.764KG is to be added and that leads to 178.470KG which is getting us pretty close to our goals

1 comment:

  1. And I have been eating some of that good stuff too. Yum, Yum.
