Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hot Weather and Hot Plants

The harvest this week was over 10 KG. A lot of the weight is still cumbers but the variety of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, beans, figs and okra are wonderful. I gave away quite a bit to friends at church last week and have lots to bring to friends at work this week.

Eggplant are producing with nice big plants. I will make some more eggplant Parmesan this week.
This pepper is on the harvest log and you can see that it is quite long. I don't seem to have any that turn red this year.
This pepper is still on the bush.
Okra is a member of the Rose of Sharon family and once the pods start you have to pick every day.
These beautiful vines and purple flowers are related to morning glory flowers. They are the tops of the sweet potatoes. When I was in Vietnam we often ate morning glory leaves like a green. The Farmer's daughter says that they are edible so I will try them this week.
Finally this week a lot of cherry and yellow pear tomatoes that taste great and look great in the salad. 

With 10.624 KG to add this week the total is now 153.209 KG and our goal is 200KG for the year.

1 comment:

  1. Looks wonderful and so good. Egg plant and Okra two of the best. Save some for me. LOL.
