Saturday, November 19, 2011


So even though the freeze only got down to 1 C so no real frost it seemed time to dig up the parsnips. The New Farmer came over to help out. The Farmer has not tried the parsnips before but is looking forward to trying them. Some of them may be bigger than I would want.
Let everyone know how they taste. They were so big that digging them up were difficult so I used the hose to help excavate.
We go nearly 2.5 KG total out of the grown.
Other plants like the chard are looking good and the Farmer can pick greens almost every day.
Tomatoes and peppers seem to have a second life with bright green foliage lots of blossoms and  with no freezes until December they still may make some fruit.
More greens and

5.066 KG makes which brings us up to 229.742KG which gives us 505.4 LBS for those on the English system.

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