Saturday, November 12, 2011

Soup is On!!! 225 KG Goal

The Farmer is going to have two weight celebrations soon. The first is 225 KG weight goal.  In my manifesto in the beginning my goal was to grow enough to provide calories to support on adult for one year. Well through some calculations it comes out that that would be about 225KG giving you nearly 3000 calories a day which is more than enough but to account for pealing and shelling and parts that might  be inedible. Well we got that mark today.  In English system that is 495 LBS so that means that in a week or so The Farmer will celebrate the 500 lb mark as well.
Soup is on the stove today with lots of ingredients from the garden: onion, soy beans, collard greens, bay, oregano, peppers  all went with some kielbasa and tomatoes to make for a very hearty soup for supper tonight.
This mystery picture is of the seed pod head of a chive plant. Pretty cool to have the little black seeds ready to fly out of the long stalks. The plant is like a catapult. In fact I tested the system and got seeds about 5 feet from the plant.  
One of the great things about greens in our climate is that they are the plant that keeps giving. This spinach was harvested to a nub last week and this week is offering tender new leaves. The Farmer's Wife likes to use this as lettuce leaves for a sandwich.
Here is the flat leaf parsley and with this plant The Farmer can enjoy the herb but remember in Mediterranean Cuisine that this leaf can be come a vegetable in a dish like salad.
Some of the plants are getting tall at nearly a meter and only a few problems with bugs this year.

Total the year is 225.409KG

1 comment:

  1. We will have some of those salad greens in our salad tonight.So good.
    We might need to cover some stuff up tonight, they say it will be 32 tonight. Then it is suppose to warm up again.
