Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hallelujah 500 Pounds of Produce Seasons Greeting

This is what the Farmer and the  Farmer's Wife have done to celebrate the season but also mark our front yard which this week has produced a little more leeks and kale that has brought our total of food produced organically and freshly in our front yard to over 500 Pounds. It is an amazing thing to think that so much food has come out of our front yard.
We are still getting fresh tomatoes with the green tomatoes we brought in almost 3 weeks ago  that are still ripening. A lot of friends and colleagues at work have benefited from the rapidly ripening fruits.
However, it was some kale that helped push us over the next goal.
I don't mind these deer visiting the garden since although they graze they are doing no harm to what we still have planted in the vegetable plots. 
227.482 KG which is over 500 lbs


  1. Yeah and Yeah!!!!! It is amazing that we got over 500 lbs. out of those little plots. Amos the pictures are wonderful, so pretty.

  2. Very colorful display. Any comments from the neighbors?
