Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cauliflower and Broccoli

This is the beginning of spring but also the winter crops are looking better and still producing.
This beautiful cabbage is called a carafex. It is a spiral and pyramidal in shape. This is a small cabbage and is meant for a smaller family. Two of us ate half as salad tonight. It weighs about 1/2 a lb or 250 gram.
This is the third or fourth day of broccoli that we have harvest. There are lots of little sprigs that come on the plant after the major head is removed. This is the greenest broccoli that I have every seen. Delicious too.
I noticed that there was some asparagus that just started coming up. So some broccoli and asparagus in a omelet with the salad meant that we ate 3 things from the garden to night.
I will have some spinach this weekend and many of the things we have planted are starting to come up.
One of the most amazing thing is that the cauliflower made it through the winter. These little plants are beautiful spirals of light yellow green. They are an Italian version and are called Verona. Once again I picked smaller varieties to fit in the garden and to be more suitable for feeding one or two people

So far this year I have 1.850 KG of produce to report which puts me way ahead of last year. 

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