Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fresh Start: Starting Pots of Vegetables

The New Farmer has been anxious to start gardening. However, we continue to have wild weather. Ice earlier this week and a few snow flakes were coming down this morning when I went out to check on the plants.

Despite the tremendous cold there are still some broccoli and other winter greens that have made it through, probably because they are partially shielded by a hedge that is a wind break. Those cotoneaster have to be trimmed back severely each year but I think I will wait a few more weeks before I cut them back.
However, today was Week Minus 9 (which means 9 weeks before the last frost). Each week there is a plan to start either pots inside and/or plant/transplant outside into the garden.
We have spent time last week improving the soil with Black Kow compost, lime, blood meal and then tilled in all the improvements. The soil looks great.
On other news, The Farmer's Friend came over and helped with digging up the Fig tree saplings that were started last year. They were laid on the ground and covered with dirt. They put down fig tree roots where they were buried. So we took up the new saplings and put them into milk jug pots (thanks to our local Starbucks) and potentially have started 8 new fig trees that were shared with friends. The Farmer has been thinking about Figs since he has been sharing canned figs with friends and family.
The New Farmer will start adding her own posts to our blog this year.

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