Thursday, March 31, 2011

Figs and Radishes

My fig tree is starting to bud. It is a mission fig so a little slower then the Brown Turkey fig more common to our part of the world. I had cut the tree back drastically because it had gotten so big and I was starting to get worried. I was also concerned about some of the fig trees I had tried to start and gave to friends.
However, I have received word that at least one is leafing out.

Each one of these beautiful little bells will be a blueberry in a few months.

This are some of my French Breakfast radish. I have been eating 2 or 3 a day but they grow so fast I will have some to share with friends.

Finally, I have some Fava beans growing. They did not do so well last year and I had not thought to try them again but I had some seeds left and there is plenty of room this time of year. In any case I think the plant and the flowers are quite nice and maybe this time we will have some beans!

1.859KG of additional produce for total of 13.466KG

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