Sunday, April 24, 2011

Turnips: Pretty and Taste Good Too:

Check at these turnips.  These turnips are really beautiful. I usually grow these for the greens. The roots came out really great. Tonight The New Farmer made turnips and greens and they were great. One interesting thing about turnips is that in Europe they were used in place of potatoes before potatoes were discovered in the New World. Turnips were the starchy food and you could bake or mash them. These turnips were very sweet and not woody at all.  
I will have enough turnips for a second batch. The Suburban Garden does not have a large quantity of any one thing but great variety.
These are some beet greens and green onions. You have to thin beets. The beets seed is a kernel that has at least 2-4 seeds so they come up thick. This means you need to thin them so there is room for the beet root to form but you can eat the greens; which is great.

I have 2.105KG to add to the total  which brings us up to 17.977KG

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