Friday, May 6, 2011

Spring Runs Hot and Cold.

This last week there has been terrible destruction in Alabama with some horrific tornadoes. These storms came very near to the garden but there was no damage here, but in other places old strong oaks, houses and many structures were turned upside down and destroyed.
Today I have pictures of some of the most delicate and beautiful of plants that we have in the garden. This is the time when sugar snap peas come with their beautiful green foliage and then the most beautiful white flowers. They must be night pollinators because white shows up so well at night.
Also the handsome fava beans are growing and this year I will have a few more pods. but still not as many as I think the should. I think that there must be some special insect that we don't have to pollinate the flowers that are so many in number.
Every day I pick about one half a pound of strawberries from the very few plants that we have. Also lettuce is coming in and every night we have 3-4 things to eat from the garden.

Here I have fennel plants that are wonderfully beautiful.

2.780 KG to add for total of 20.757KG this is close to 50lbs already.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks beautiful and I hope there will be some left when I get back. I am helping my daughter put in a little garden. The pictures are beautiful.
