Sunday, June 26, 2011

Blueberries and other Unusual Crops

This week has been very "fruitful" with a good harvest is both quality and quantity. First we have these wonderful Blueberries. The Farmer has two bushes about 3-4 feet tall and they are full of berries. We have been eating handful from time to time but on the weekend picked 2 and half kilograms of berries and at least that many left on the bushes.
This interesting looking plant is fennel. It has a anise flavor and is kind of like a celery. I like to grow it and it is pretty but not too sure what the best uses for it are. The flavor is pretty strong. Have made a nice salad but will look for other recipes.
Soybeans have been harvest this week. This will be the first of two plots. These are those boiled beans that you get at the sushi bar with salt that you suck out of the pods. I think that this is remarkably like boiled peanuts except not quite as soft.
The New Farmer helped with the harvest and then too process by blanching and putting the produce in the freezer since it keeps well and so much to eat from the garden at this time.

Finally these beautiful onions are some that we grew from sets and now are coming in. They are very sweet and good to cook with.
I have 9.692 KG of produce to add for 81.295 KG for the year.  Which is nearly 180lbs for the metric phobic. 

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