Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cooling Off but Still Producing

Still some warm weather items like this large basil plant. Lots of friends getting basil and having pesto at work.
This beautiful flower is the okra plants now nearly ten feet tall. The storm knocked them over but the are still producing well. The white flower means that this is night pollinators and with the color temperature the insects may not be as active.
I love these little eggplants that are just the right size for a meal for one.
Since this is a cornucopia of figs and then some of the fall vegatibles.
Finally it is time to have salad again since the weather is cool enough to have lettuce. I will have lettuce for the rest of the year.

 The total is now 199.940 KG with the over 5 KG since the last post.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Still Producing Although the Temperatures is Lower.

The temperature is lower and that makes it nicer to be outside.
There are still some hot weather crops such as the eggplant, okra, peppers and tomatoes that I have  examples of the harvest. However, although there are blooms they may not set fruits as often  with the cooler weather.
Another warm weather fruit that is still producing is the figs. Lots of green figs and they may mature somewhat randomly. However, over a week there has been over a kilogram figs picked which is more than you can safely eat and so shared with friends.
There are also still a few peas to pick.
I will be taking in a lot of basil over the next few days this weeks.
The New Farmer and the Farmer's Wife did some planting this week and already some cool weather crops like greens, radishes and beets etc.
Or like these. 

190.099 KG as the base with 4.773 KG is 194.872 KG

I think that is is likely that we will make it to 200KG this month. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Working to Clean Up More Things to Plant

I had enough figs today to make another batch of preserved figs that is about 100 figs that I have canned.

The New Farmer has been posting but does not have the ledger to keep up the totals.

The Farmer worked hard pulling up old plants and weeds and raking down pine straw to make the garden more presentable. The greens, turnips and radishes that were planted just last week are starting to come up. This has encourage me to pull out more of the old plants. The tomatoes are still producing. We have had some cool days but there will be some more pretty hot days. Planting in the fall you have to watch for insect issues more.
There is a get together tomorrow and I think a good ratatouille would be well received and a good use of the eggplants.

The sweet potatoes were something of a bust with lots of vines and very little tubers but still they are pretty.

With the additional harvest before the storm there was 6.765 KG to add that bring the total to just over 190.099 KG

Short Post.

I picked and processed some Soy beans. They are so pretty and will be good. Not a lot in the garden right now but we are planting winter stuff

Friday, September 9, 2011

Lots of Rain!!!!

We had lots of rain from Tropical Storm Lee. This is in part what it did to our garden. We had picked most of the stuff and are working on our fall-winter garden. Lots of trees down and some on houses. We were without power about 24 hours. Better then some. The farmer's wife went out and picked up the arbor and stood up the plants so thing are not to bad. We are thankful for her. Looking to good eating.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Those Peas sure where good, I just finished off mine for lunch. We worked in the garden and planted some of the fall crops. We are getting some much needed rain.

We pulled up the rest of the sweet potato's. There were lots of vines and blooms but when we dug there not many potato's. I think just 4 small ones. We got lots of sweet potato's last year. If any one knows what happen we would love your input.

We are still getting lots of Okra and since only the Farmer and new farmer eat it we have been cooking if in many ways. You need to pick everyday. Still have tomato's also. Looking forward to cooler weather and some of those cold weather veggies.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fig Preserves and Field Peas

These beautiful jars are four pints of figs. About 10 figs in each jar. I have had a late fig season and the figs did not ripen in early August like they usually do. I have had to cut the Fig tree back and cut of suckers that did not have fruit and I think that this has help direct energy to making fruits so with a few days of collecting I had enough for a batch.
There are field peas. I have never grown them in the Suburban Farm because in general you will need a lot of space. I had had some field peas as a gift from a seed company so when I had some room I put them in in late summer and they are coming through for me. When every thing else looks dry they still are perky.
These are a wonderful red color and I look forward to cooking them tomorrow with some grits.
It would not be summer if it you did not have okra. The plants are nearing ten feet tall which makes harvest difficult for the New Farmer but still there are blooms on the plants today.

4.864 KG to add today to the total 183.334KG for the year and for the metric impaired that is 403.5 lbs.

Last year the goal was 200 KG with a stretch of 225KG. I am sure that I will make the first the second I think will still be a stretch