Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fig Preserves and Field Peas

These beautiful jars are four pints of figs. About 10 figs in each jar. I have had a late fig season and the figs did not ripen in early August like they usually do. I have had to cut the Fig tree back and cut of suckers that did not have fruit and I think that this has help direct energy to making fruits so with a few days of collecting I had enough for a batch.
There are field peas. I have never grown them in the Suburban Farm because in general you will need a lot of space. I had had some field peas as a gift from a seed company so when I had some room I put them in in late summer and they are coming through for me. When every thing else looks dry they still are perky.
These are a wonderful red color and I look forward to cooking them tomorrow with some grits.
It would not be summer if it you did not have okra. The plants are nearing ten feet tall which makes harvest difficult for the New Farmer but still there are blooms on the plants today.

4.864 KG to add today to the total 183.334KG for the year and for the metric impaired that is 403.5 lbs.

Last year the goal was 200 KG with a stretch of 225KG. I am sure that I will make the first the second I think will still be a stretch

1 comment:

  1. Those were great tasting peas and we are cooking okra every way we can think of. I will try to post tomorrow.
