Saturday, September 17, 2011

Still Producing Although the Temperatures is Lower.

The temperature is lower and that makes it nicer to be outside.
There are still some hot weather crops such as the eggplant, okra, peppers and tomatoes that I have  examples of the harvest. However, although there are blooms they may not set fruits as often  with the cooler weather.
Another warm weather fruit that is still producing is the figs. Lots of green figs and they may mature somewhat randomly. However, over a week there has been over a kilogram figs picked which is more than you can safely eat and so shared with friends.
There are also still a few peas to pick.
I will be taking in a lot of basil over the next few days this weeks.
The New Farmer and the Farmer's Wife did some planting this week and already some cool weather crops like greens, radishes and beets etc.
Or like these. 

190.099 KG as the base with 4.773 KG is 194.872 KG

I think that is is likely that we will make it to 200KG this month. 

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