Sunday, April 29, 2012


The Farmer is growing Fava Beans again this year. The Farmer would like to give a shout out to Baker's Creek Heirloom Seeds. In previous years the beans were grown for interest and then the plants themselves are so handsome and unusual. However, lots of flowers and few if any beans.

This season there are lots of beans on each stalk. Where before if there was one pod the plant was being productive this year many stalks have 5 or 6 pods on them.

None of the pods are mature yet. When mature there will be four or five large beans, as big as a large butter bean. Also the beans are snug in a furry lined pod. When older they are first blanch and the outer hull is removed. Lot of work. This is supposed to be one of the oldest of the domesticated crops. The broad bean is common through out the Middle East and Mesopotamia.

Little known fact is that felafel is often made with this kind of bean. 

For more cool facts about Fava (Broad) Beans check out this link.

The Garden at the church is producing well now. The Farmer was gone last week but apparently a very good crop was harvested and then this week 5 large bags of mustard, turnip, chard and also some sugar snaps filled the basket for the offering. With 90 degrees predicted for this week it was time to take out thing before they bolt and put in some squash and cukes.

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