Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Lettuce is a cool weather plant. Either in the spring or in the fall and winter. The Farmer has some loose leaf that was sown in a patch and also some head lettuce that was started in the side under the lamps then brought out. Lettuce is ancient and the Romans grew lettuce and introduce it throughout the Empire.

The head lettuce is a butter-head variety. The leafs are soft and have a butter kind of texture to them. They will go well with some fresh lettuce, walnuts and some cheese.

The leaf lettuce that was sown into the soil has four different varieties. Two are cos/romaine lettuces one red and the other the more standard green. If the cos had more room it would grow into the large heads you see in the stores. Then there is a green and red leaf lettuce.

There is a lot and it may be time to make a lettuce soup.

Today the poppy had another bloom. This was a pleasant surprise and we will see these only for two to at most three days.

Learn more about lettuce.

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