In honor of the upcoming Spooky Holiday I have featured some scary pictures from the Farm.
First we have Eggplant from a pretty ominous point of view. It is closely related to the nightshade and the smooth orb does have that mysterious "thorn" that punctures the skin somewhere on the green hat that you can not later find when you more closely investigate.

Here are some scary tomatoes also from the nightshade family. From the darker recess of the plant fruit will still appear well into November if we don't have a freeze; but do you dare put your hand in.

this artichoke is kind of spiky and could be threatening en mass; The Farmer has a different feeling in this season when just a few post earlier he remarked on the handsome nature. Now there is a deep shadow.

This ghostly shapes are the peppers. Mostly mild and crunchy. They are a Romanian variety (for real) and so perhaps they were the Count Dracula's ghostly favorite.

For some the thing that is scary is the food itself. Turnips do not have the most favorable of reputations. I think this are more attractive and probably more intelligent then the Farmer's Congressmen?? Just asking questions?

The Farmer's Wife labored to make the nice uniform turnip cubes and the Farmer was scratched by the turnip greens that seemed to not to want to come in however the work of the labor was very yummy.

Large harvest of another 4 KG this week. 4,511KG to be exact.
Total 221.672 KG