Saturday, September 18, 2010

Peppers and Beans: The Farmer Returns

This photo of peppers on the black cook top of the stove is artistic looking. The pepper plant is really coming in know. I had planted it back in the spring and it was only 1 of several I started. I think that for some plants like this I need to let them grow to a larger size in the pot before they are transplanted. On the other hand you can see that only for a few weeks or months do you have fresh peppers even in this more temperate clime. This is a tropical plant and chilies  and peppers are often dried when they are abundant or ground up in things like paprika that in a small amount of space can store a lot of punch.

I am amazed that this tomato plant is which is probably 10 feet around came from a tiny tomato seed. This is the wonder and miracle of planting a tiny seed and getting this mighty plant. Usually the weather will stay warm for at least 6 more weeks and I think that the many flowers and small fruits will have a chance to bear. I think this plant is behaving like a semi-determinate variety in that it flowered and fruited and now has put out a whole new set of flowers and fruit
Old pole bean plants now nearly 5 months old have produce a kilogram of beans in the last few weeks. I love the meat texture and tastes. I do my best to string them but the Farmer's Wife seems to have bad look with the strings. We saw a little gadget to better remove the strings and I would pick one up if I saw one.
Of the new plants lettuce and arugula are looking pretty good. I can start to harvest arugula now and I love that bitter peppery taste in my salad. It is really good on a sandwich with thinly slice apples, cheese  and arugula.
The Farmer has had a long road trip which is why the break in reporting.

Still 2.866 Kilograms of new produce which brings us up to 158.84 KG total

For those still stuck in the English system this 350 lbs!!!!!!!

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