Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Garden and Summer Fruit

This has been one of the warmest summers on record. The tomato bushes are all in bloom and full of fruit. I have picked nearly a kilogram of cherry tomatoes and the larger tomatoes have green fruit that should produce in the next few weeks. The plants look great to be nearly 6 months old and to have been producing for 4 months now. With the heat there has been drought although we have have had about an inch of rain this weekend.
Some of the seedlings I put out have grown well and I served arugula to guest over the weekend and have plenty to pick for another salad this week.
I have brought in to share at work several huge gallon bags of basil for the last two weeks and have a lot more to harvest. All in about 1.5 KG.  That is a lot of basil and it makes the whole office smell wonderful with the perfume. With the basil and tomatoes I need to get some good mozzarella for a delicious salad.
Cos Romaine and butter head lettuce can be harvested in the next two weeks.
The heat has meant that some of the winter greens like the kale and collards have been nearly eaten to a stub by the caterpillar of the white cabbage moth. I go out and turn the leaves over and pick them off. interestingly they leave some plants in other part of the garden alone. It is ironic that the bunny fence is working only to have the bugs. I see new growth and I think that even with the setback with some diligence and cooler weather and maybe some new pots the plants will deliver a goodly harvest .
I am going to try to post more but with the three harvests since the last post I have 3.599 KG of produce to report. A KG of that is in tomatoes.

This brings the total up to 162.489KG of weight.

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