Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sweat Success: Sweet Potatoes

The sweat equity is paying off. We harvested 2 of 7  sweet potato hills. The size of the tubers is not nearly as big as some of the ones we had last year but they look good and are a good size for eating and baking one potato with a meal.
Sweet potatoes are not related to true potato but are in fact related to the morning glory. The tubers make lots of vines that are pretty in their own right.
These are the potatoes and vines of 2 hills. Sometimes you will see light green vines that are used as ornementals. I don't understand why you would do this when you could have a real fruiting vine.
You have to cure the sweet potato for 3 weeks before storing. Last year we did this in the dining room on news paper and it worked so well that we will try that again.
The lettuce is coming in and I have enjoyed some great salads with cos romaine, arugula and butter head lettuce.
With all of the lettuce we still are producing lots of cherry tomatoes with over a KG of sweet cherries tomatoes and still blooms and lots of fruits. We are having to water so much because even with some cooler temps there is still so little rain.

I have a total of 4.450 KG of sweet potatoes but with all the other things we are harvesting total of 6.150 KG with tomatoes and lettuce

168.450KG total

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful sweet potatoes can't wait to try some. The new pictures are great. I love the lettuce all of it.
