Monday, October 18, 2010

Three New Crops


I have three new crops just harvested in the last few days to show off in this blog entry. The first are these nondescript leaves. They actually will taste "wow" delicious in the next few days since they are turnip greens. If you have turnip greens you are going to have turnips and under these leaves are some beautiful turnips that are good eating in their own right. The potato is an import from the New World and so was not in Europe and established until the 1600 or later. The turnip was the root vegetable that was the starch of many countries and was boiled and mashed and treated much as we would a potato today. I have seen some recipes of mixing them together and that might work since some will turn their nose up at a whole dish of plan turnips.
The next is Lima beans. I had planted these early own and they  bloomed like all blazes but most of the blooms dropped and did not set pods. I understand this is common with Lima beans but finally I have some pods and shelled them tonight and had more than enough of a serving for 2 people and some will be left over for tomorrow.
Finally, I could not wait longer for the collard greens. Normally, the old wives tale is that you wait until the first frost to sweeten them. However, global climate change seems to bring us 80's in October so I don't know when we will have a frost. So I cut 10 or 12 leaves and cooked them down and they were a delicious part of the dinner.
In the last week I have harvested 2.712 KG of a variety of produce and adding this to my totals I have

179.541KG.  So we are closing in on 180KG and a that is nearing the 400 LB mark.

1 comment:

  1. Just picked okra and the total was 281. I hope that takes us over the 400 pound mark,
