Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baby Fig Trees and Univited Guest(Pest)

This is a picture of my beautiful fig tree. It is pretty amazing that I gave it quite a buzz cut last year and it has grown and filled out so well. I think that figs must be a pretty hardy plant since I do not baby this tree and it gives me a few figs every day now that are so sweet and to the point of being over-ripe.
Some of my friends had said that they wanted a fig tree and so this spring I just poured a bag of manure over some sucker branches and hoped that they would send roots down. Well I was checking this out and it looks like they have rooted and so I will try to pot some of these to give to friends. I will need to check it out but I think I can just cut off the sucker from the tree and put the seedling with the roots into a container. I am going to need some big pots for this project and some soil.  More news as the project progresses.
I have found a few more horned caterpillars and I squished them. One can eat the top out of a plant quickly, so need to look for them often. However the latest pest is some sort of infestation, I think aphids on some of the okra plants. An Okra plant is a pretty tough item to eat. I also see some ants and I know some ants and aphids are symbiotic. The aphids suck from the plant and then they excrete the equivalent of honey poop which apparently the ants love.

The good news is that lady bugs love aphids and they  have shown up as well and so I will watch the battle unfold.
Finally the baby plants are doing pretty well protected from the rabbit I think that you can see that this one will grow into a Romaine lettuce plant in a few weeks.
1.823 KG of produce to report since the last entry. This brings us to 155. 97 KG

The New Farmer is back in town. The Farmer's Daughter is working in an organic garden out west during school for the fall. The Farmer's Wife's parents called to inquire on the progress and so in the spirit of understanding I will report to them that we have only 95 lbs to go to meet the plan of 200kG for the year.

1 comment:

  1. The Farmer is out of town so the farmer's wife and new farmer are holding down the fort. Not much to harvest but we do need to water.
    Fall plants are coming along good
