Sunday, August 29, 2010

More Flowers and Some Pretty Scary Caterpillars

I had noticed that some of my tomato plants seem to be have lost leaves and there was just some stems at the top of the plants. I have seen this before and I know to look for a large caterpillar that can pretty quickly eat a tomato plant. I have had an infestation a couple times this year and I just pick them off. A moth comes by and lays a few eggs. Unfortunately while out of town they got a head start. In the last 2 days I have found about 5 or 6 of these. The caterpillars are pretty cheeky. They just are on top of the plant and the green color is intense. They are about 8-10 cm in length.
They may look a little scary but they don't hurt you.
  Not all of the plants have had them and I take them off and then smash them!!

The wild zone has lots of cosmos and they are looking nice.
These white flowers are the chives that are blooming. So they test good and look nice as well.
I do know that okra is not universally loved but I think that you must admit that the flowers are delightful and the plants are handsome to look at.

1889 grams +824 grams +1434 grams totals 4.147 KG

With a total of 154.147 KG for the year totals

1 comment:

  1. That smash bug is gross looking. the okra and chives are looking good. Can't wait to get back and taste some. I am coming home tomorrow.
