Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Figgy Preserves

Every day there are more figs to pick and eat or in this case preserve. I think that we had the big flush of figs this weekend.
However, last year I continued to get a few figs every day to eat or cook with until late in the fall.
With all these figs I decide to make some whole fig preserves. These preserves require cooking the figs for 2 and 1/2 hours and then canning for about 20 minutes. The Farmer's Wife helped out with this since it often takes more than two hands to fill jars and move the hot bottles in and out of the canner.
Also this weekend had a dinner with two kinds of squash and egg plant that were baked into breaded slices to make a squash casserole dish. I also had some Acorn squash with the meal.
Since I cannot do much planting or gardening now with temperatures greater than 100 and no rain so I have started making pots and will start seedlings inside for the fall garden.

For the last few days I have picked 5.581 KG of produce which has been mostly figs and tomatoes

Now a total of 143.4KG  for the season. 

1 comment:

  1. The people at the farm loved the figs we took. It was fun and we picked several kinds of squash and egg plant. Also peppers, tomato's and flowers. We had rain tonight yeah.
