Saturday, May 22, 2010

Critters and Visitors

So you can have invited and uninvited guest in our garden.

When every I am walking through the garden I cannot resist picking a few sugar snaps, beans or other tasty tidbit to crunch on while I am walking by. We have  had visitors of late and I know that a radish, cucumber or other morsels are likely to go missing before they get in for a chance to be weighed.
However some, visitors are not so welcome. I was alerted to the "pretty bunny" by some lookouts in the house and I have seen and even given chase to the "lapin agile" more than once. Clearly h /she is not intimidated. Since I saw paw prints this morning around some severely nibbled-on soy bean sprouts, I think I will try some cayenne pepper dissolved in water and vinegar to spray on them. The sharp taste is supposed to deter. I guess it is like dunking the baby's  pacifier in some bitter liquid to help wean them off.

On the other hand lapin could provide some needed protein from the garden!!

Snatched from the Jaws of the Yellow Cabbage Month Caterpillar

Snatched from the teeth of defeat; I do have some cabbage for more effort. On last report I said that the cabbage seemed to have been destroyed by the cabbage fly. Certainly there was significant damage but as I pulled them up and pealed off the damaged leaves there was a core that had escaped and I have some tiny cabbages that are great for a one or two person meal. Take a look. 

1 comment:

  1. those cabbage were good too. I made some great cold slaw. Wait until those tomato's come in I love the taste of them warm from the bush.
